Guest accommodations for the public...

Guest accommodations for the public...

To enquire or book accommodation, kindly contact the bookings administrator, Sarine Viviers, or your host, Reuben Botha:
042 273 1567 (Mondays to Fridays: 08h30 - 17h00)
042 273 1089 (Mondays to Fridays: 08h30 - 18h00, Sundays 09h00 - 18h00)
Mobile: 084 952 5771

Grounds policies (Visitors)

Kindly take note that the accommodation units form part of the campus grounds of The South African Institute for Heritage Science & Conservation and that certain standard grounds policies apply. Therefore please note the following:

These accommodation units (and their grounds) are only accessible to the actual guest occupants, as reserved by name. Guests of guests will not be admitted, and should not be received or granted access without the campus' express consent.
In keeping with the character of the Institute and the mandate of the campus, please note that the park-like campus grounds and its landscape facilities are deliberately reserved from overt recreation or play. While this restriction is relaxed in the immediate vicinity of the rented accommodation units themselves, it is nonetheless expected that both the built and planted infrastructure should be treated with reserve.
Please note that a recreational or camping dynamic is not considered compatible with the purpose and character of the campus, and that outdoor cooking is accordingly not provided for, nor permitted. (The exception is Three Gables Manor House, which does permit such facilities and opportunity.)
It may also be necessary to note that footwear is mandatory on campus at all times for all persons (infants excepted), except within the immediate precinct of guest's accommodations.
Furthermore, persons under the age of 12 should remain under direct adult supervision while about on the campus grounds.
While the resulting campus milieu is uniquely enjoyable, one also appreciates that it is not necessarily a universal fit, nor can it attempt to be.
Doubtless, the prospective guest can best judge whether it will hold appeal for themselves and companions, or whether the rare blend posed by this rural, academic setting is at odds with the purposes of their stay.

Notwithstanding all the above, we are pleased to say that most visitors DO find the grounds delightful, and that many return to repeat the restful experience!